

The emotion of a catch while being in contact with the prey, but totally in compliance with the catch and release.

The Bolentino is a fishing technique done from the boat, practicable on both low seas(100mt), and on abysmal backdrops. Very practiced in the Gulf of Naples, this is a technique that does not require the use of the float, but is caught thanks to the “touch”, that is feeling the bite from the vibration transmitted by the fishing rod.

That is why all the tools must be perfectly balanced and adequate to the type of practiced Bolentino, whether it’s light or heavy. This programme employs you for half-day. You suggest you to start the activity early in the morning because dawn is the best time during which the frenzy of “eating” different fish species develops.


Pick up (da strutture ricettive di Castellammare di Stabia, Torre Annunziata, Pompei, Scafati, Sant'Antonio A., Angri, S.M.La Carità, Gragnano, Pimonte, Agerola, Vico Equense, Seiano, Meta).

Departure from the Port of Castellammare or Seiano

Start fishing among the items in Punta Scutolo and San Francesco's dry

Snack on board





      Not to forget

        Tour’s Location

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        Not Available
        Tour type: Daily Tour
        Duration: 4 hours
        Maximum number of people: 15


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